Small Things which Meaningful for Other People

Oktober 8, 2008

Pak Tua – the old shrimps-fisherman suddenly take a visit to Hattori that currently watering the plants in front of his house. In his thin shoulder there are a shrimps-nets that used to search for shrimps in the rivers around the region. A bamboo-made container full with shrimps attached in his belt.

Hattori stopping the water that flows from the lapse in his hand. A big smile in his face welcoming the Old-Fisherman. A few minutes later, they get in a discussion of various topics. Hattori knows Pak Tua, because his neighbour is a subscriber of shrimps that caught by Pak Tua. The neighbour have died two months ago. After the dead of Pak Haji who every Friday morning buys shrimp – now the house is quiet because his wife still visiting his grandson who live outside the city.

“Now, I lost my only fixed income a week” said Pak Tua

“What do you mean pa?”

“Pak Haji who died two months ago is my fixed customer every Friday. So every Friday, I needn’t to circumnavigate around the villages to offer shrimps” he continued

“That’s pity”

“Pak Haji also like to buy with a higher price than my bid – with additional work to clean the shrimp. I am so pleased, because every Friday I get income more than my average income” he said softly.


Hattori then stupefied. Pak Tua is not the first person that feel sorry over the death of Pak Haji. Several days ago a onde-onde seller also stated the same thing. He losing loyal customer too. Also a tukang pijat and jamu seller who lose a loyal customer.

The young children around this region also lose a good teacher who taught the arabic lyric verses that sung together every Dawn. Although the children did not really understand the meaning of the verses of which contain the teachings of the religion – they are very pleased to sung them. That songs are more varied than those taught in their schools.
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